{ "account": { "labels": { "status": "Status", "user": "User", "usersAndRoles": "Users & Roles", "workspaceRole": "Workspace Role" } }, "accountDetails": { "accountName": { "error": { "invalid": "The account name is invalid.", "maxLength": "The account name cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "The account name needs to be at least 2 characters long.", "required": "The account name is required." }, "label": "Workspace name", "placeholder": "Your workspace name" }, "accountSubtitle": { "error": { "maxLength": "The account subtitle cannot be longer than 150 characters." }, "label": "Workspace Subtitle", "placeholder": "Your account subtitle" }, "accountTitle": { "error": { "maxLength": "The account title cannot be longer than 100 characters.", "minLength": "The account title needs to be at least 2 characters long.", "required": "The account title is required." }, "label": "Workspace Title", "placeholder": "Your account title" }, "error": { "accountData": "Error while loading account data. Please contact support", "workspaceSettings": "Error while loading workspace settings. Please contact support" }, "subdomain": { "error": { "invalid": "The subdomain is invalid.", "maxLength": "The subdomain cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "The subdomain needs to be at least 2 characters long.", "required": "The subdomain is required." }, "label": "Subdomain", "placeholder": "Subdomain", "success": "Your domain has been successfully updated." }, "success": { "imageRemove": "Successfully removed picture.", "imageUpload": "Successfully updated image.", "workspaceSettings": "Successfully updated workspace settings." }, "title": "Workspace" }, "ACEMeetings": "ACE Meetings", "activate": { "error": "Your user could not be activated.", "please": "Please", "signIn": "sign in", "success": "Your user account has been activated.", "title": "Activation", "useRegistrationForm": "Please use the registration form to sign up." }, "appearance": { "label": { "fileAllowance": "Only JPG, PNG, and GIF images under 5MB can be uploaded.", "logo": "Branding", "noLogo": "No Logo", "showACEBackground": "Show ACE Background", "showACEBranding": "Show ACE Branding", "showACELogo": "Show ACE Logo", "showLinkToAllMTs": "Show link to all public meeting types", "showWsHeaderPublicMeetPage": "Show workspace header in public meeting types page", "showYourLogo": "Show Your Logo" }, "message": { "themeChanged": "Successfully changed theme", "themeChangeError": "There was an error changing the theme. Please try again later or contact support." }, "themes": { "createYourOwn": "Create your own (coming soon)", "description": "Choose a theme that fits your brand or create your own.", "heading": "Themes" }, "title": "Appearance" }, "appsumo": { "registration": { "error": { "emailAlreadyInUse": "You already have an account!" }, "getInTouchToFullyActivate": "Please get in touch with us at support@useace.com to fully activate your AppSumo purchase." } }, "askToReschedule": { "description": "Send your request to suggest alternative time slots for your invite.", "error": { "updateEvent": "There was an error asking the guest to reschedule. Refresh and try again or contact support." }, "success": { "updateEvent": "Successfully asked guest to reschedule." }, "title": "Ask guest to reschedule", "tooltip": { "reason": "The entire text will be sent as the content of an email to your guest. A reschedule link will be automatically added at the end of the email." } }, "billing": { "amount": "Amount", "assignedTo": "Assigned to", "billingDetails": "Your Billing Details", "changeCardInfo": { "instruction": "If you want to change your card info click", "question": "Change card info?" }, "changeLicenses": { "instruction": "If you want to add, remove or assign licenses click", "question": "Change licenses?" }, "checkAppSumoAccount": "Please check your AppSumo account for up to date billing & invoice information", "date": "Date", "download": "Download", "here": "here", "license": "License", "noInvoices": "Currently you don't have any invoices.", "price": "Price", "reference": "Reference", "refundTooltip": "Refund invoice is only available upon request.", "title": "Billing", "totalAmountToBeCharged": { "afterTaxes": "after taxes", "text": "Total amount to be charged", "tooltip": "For US customers, taxes are contained. For EU customers VAT can be removed if you have a valid VAT ID" }, "type": "Type", "unassigned": "Unassigned", "workspaceOwnerWarning": "Only the workspace owner can view billing information. Please get in touch with them for details.", "yourInvoices": "Your invoices" }, "button": { "bookingLink": "View account booking page", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Confirm", "learnMore": "Learn more", "save": "Save", "sendRequest": "Send request", "showLess": "Show less", "showMore": "Show more", "update": "Update changes", "upgrade": "Upgrade license", "upgradeYourLicense": "Upgrade your license" }, "calendar": { "cancelEvent": "Cancel Event?", "future": "Upcoming", "messages": { "GOOGLE_CONFERENCE": "Uh oh, the Google Meet link was not added. Please let your guests know how they can meet with you.", "ZOOM_CONFERENCE": "Uh oh, the Zoom link was not added. Please let your guests know how they can meet with you" }, "past": "Past", "pending": "Pending", "placeholderMessage": { "future": "You have no scheduled meetings at this time", "past": "You have no past meetings", "pending": "You have no meetings in which the guest has been asked to reschedule", "range": "You have no meetings between these dates" }, "placeholderTitle": { "future": "Time for a break?", "past": "Let's roll those meetings", "pending": "Let's roll those meetings", "range": "Were you looking for a different date range?" }, "range": "Date Range", "rescheduleEvent": "Reschedule Event", "schedule": "To Reschedule", "title": "Scheduled Meetings", "updatePreferenceSuccessful": "Your calendar preferences were successfully updated" }, "calendars": { "connectNewCalendar": { "description": "Connect your calendar to let ACE Meetings know when you're available and update your calendar as events are scheduled.", "heading": "Connect a new calendar" }, "disconnect": { "cancel": "Cancel", "confirmText": "Are you sure you want to disconnect this integration? All related settings will be lost!", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "googleConferencingOptionInfo": "Google is also a conferencing option. Disconnecting your calendar will affect this side of the integration as well." }, "edit": { "availabilityCheck": "Where should we check for availability?", "cancel": "Cancel", "save": "Save" }, "emptyPlaceholder": { "text": "You have no calendar connected", "title": "Are you calendar shy?" }, "myCalendars": "My calendars", "placeholder": { "message": "To get the most flexibility of your availability", "title": "Connect more calendars" }, "title": "Connect your Calendars", "upgrade": { "description": "Unlock features designed to enhance your productivity.", "title": "Upgrade to connect more calendars" }, "write": { "addToCalendar": { "description": "Set the calendar you would like to add new events to as they’re scheduled.", "heading": "Add to calendar" }, "updateOnCalendarChanges": "Deleting or declining an event in your calendar will also cancel in ACE Meetings" } }, "coins": { "buttons": { "moreInfo": "More info", "unlockCoins": "Unlock coins" }, "coinsLabel": "Coins", "comingSoon": "Coming soon", "complete": "Complete", "connectCryptoWallet": "Connect your crypto wallet to exchange your $ACE Coins", "connectWallet": "Connect wallet", "earnText": "Earn $ACE coins by completing various activities.", "manageCoins": "Manage your $ACE Coins.", "noRewardsYet": "No rewards yet...", "readLitepaper": "Read our Litepaper", "recent": "Recent", "rewardHistory": "Reward history", "title": "Earn $ACE Coins", "total": "Total:" }, "Coming Soon": "Coming Soon", "conferencing": { "connectNew": { "description": "Connect a conferencing account so ACE Meetings can allow you to use whichever conferencing solution you prefer", "heading": "Connect a new conferencing account" }, "disconnect": { "cancel": "Cancel", "confirmText": "Are you sure you want to disconnect this integration? All related settings will be lost!", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "googleCalendarOptionInfo": "Google is also a calendar option. Disconnecting your conferencing will affect this side of the integration as well." }, "emptyPlaceholder": { "text": "You have no conferencing account connected.", "title": "Are you video shy?" }, "label": { "alreadyConnected": "Already connected" }, "myConferencingAccounts": "My conferencing accounts", "title": "Connect your Conferencing Accounts" }, "confirmInvite": { "askAccountOwnerToResendInvite": "Please ask the Account Owner to invite you again or contact support.", "error": { "inviteCouldNotBeActivated": "Your user invite could not be activated." }, "title": "Confirm Invite" }, "connect": { "calendar": { "google": { "connectText": "Sign in with Google", "description": "Google Calendar, Google Workspace (previously known as G Suite)", "title": "Google" }, "icloud": { "connectText": "Connect", "description": "Default calendar for all Apple products", "title": "iCloud" }, "office365": { "connectText": "Connect", "description": "Office 365, Outlook.com, live.com, or hotmail calendar", "title": "Office 365" }, "outlook": { "description": "Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10.", "title": "Outlook" } }, "conferencing": { "googleMeet": { "description": "Google Meet or previously known Google Hangouts", "title": "Google Meet" }, "teams": { "connectText": "Connect", "description": "Connect online for video conference meetings, webinars and live chat.", "title": "Microsoft Teams" }, "zoom": { "connectText": "Connect", "description": "Connect online for video conference meetings, webinars and live chat.", "title": "Zoom" } }, "payments": { "paypal": { "connectText": "Connect with PayPal", "description": "Collect payment before the meeting", "title": "PayPal" }, "stripe": { "connectText": "Connect with Stripe", "description": "Collect payment before the meeting", "title": "Stripe" } } }, "customDomains": { "domain": { "error": { "notUnique": "This custom meeting domain has already been used! Please choose another one." }, "explanation": "Share your calendar page from a custom domain.", "instructions": { "contactSupport": "If you encounter issues get in touch with our support team at: ", "detailedInfoText": "Please find detailed info here:", "helpDocLabel": "How to setup custom meeting page domain", "step1": "Open your domain registrar website and go to DNS Records/Manage DNS/Advanced DNS.", "step2": "Create/Add New DNS Record.", "step3": "The type of record must be CNAME (if your provider works with proxied statuses, please ensure to change your status from proxied to DNS Only).", "step4": "Host/Label will be the subdomain under which the calendar page will be hosted. Example: booking, meet, call etc.", "step5": "Add the DNS records listed in the table below and wait for the validation to finalize. Please note it might take a couple of hours.", "warningFullDomain": "Some DNS providers do not support entering the full CNAME in the host section. If that's the case, use only the verification subdomain. For example, if the name is \"_a79865eb4cd1a6ab990a45779b4e0b96.yourdomain.com\", only \"_a79865eb4cd1a6ab990a45779b4e0b96\" must be used." }, "label": "Custom meetings domain", "placeholder": "booking.yourDomain.com", "setDomain": "Set Domain", "tooltip": { "active": "Your custom domain is mapped and ready to use", "invalid_ssl": "The certificate associated to your custom domain is not valid.", "not_reachable": "Your custom domain is not reachable. Please verify if it is correctly mapped to ACE.", "success": "Your custom domain is mapped and ready to use" } }, "emailDomain": { "domainRecords": "Domain Records", "error": { "notUnique": "This custom email domain has already been used! Please choose another one." }, "explanation": "Enter the name of the domain you wish to send emails from and click Generate DNS Records. We'll create DNS records which you can then enter in your company's domain registrar website.", "generateDNSRecords": "Generate DNS Records", "instructions": { "header": "Instructions", "helpDocLabel": "How to setup custom email sending domain", "step1": "Copy and paste the value of each record to the correct place in your company's domain registrar website.", "step2": "The status will be refreshed automatically. It may take up to 48 hours until DNS records are propagated and the status changes to authenticated.", "step3": "If the status is still pending after 48 hours, check our help doc below or contact support.", "warningKeepRecords": "Please make sure to keep the DNS records in place as long as you want to use the custom email domain! If they are removed you will not be able to send emails using that domain." }, "label": "Email Sending Domain", "placeholder": "yourDomain.com", "record": { "name": "Name", "type": "Type", "value": "Value" }, "tooltip": { "authenticated": "The email sending domain has been successfully authenticated and is ready to be used.", "error": "There was an error authenticating the domain. Please re-check the CNAME mappings or get in touch with support.", "pending": "Domain verification is in progress. Please note it might take up to 48 hours for verification to be completed.", "success": "The email sending domain has been successfully authenticated and is ready to be used." } }, "success": { "domains": "Successfully updated custom domains!" }, "title": "Custom Domains" }, "dashboard": { "addAMeetingType": "Add a meeting type", "copied": "{{url}} copied", "description": "Let's jump in and start with the most important steps to get your work organized.", "hello": "Hello {{name}}", "licenseCanceled": { "canceledOn": "Ouch! Your license was canceled on" }, "meetingTypeRemoveConfirmText": "Are you sure you want to remove '{{name}}'?", "meetingTypes": { "description": "Create meetings customized to suit your needs", "title": "Meeting Types" }, "onboarding": { "completePercent": "{{value}}% completed", "description": "Here are the initial steps you should consider first.", "title": "Getting started with ACE Meetings" }, "placeholder": { "meetings": { "message": "You have no scheduled meetings at this time" }, "meetingTypes": { "button": { "single": "Create a new meeting type", "team": "Create a new team meeting type" }, "message": { "single": "Simplify scheduling by creating meeting types tailored to your needs", "team": "Your team doesn't have any meeting types set up at this time" }, "title": { "single": "Create meeting types", "team": "Create team meeting types" } } }, "placeholderTypeButton": "Create first meeting type", "saved": "{{name}} saved", "scheduledMeetings": { "description": "Stay organized and never miss a meeting.", "title": "Scheduled meetings" }, "seeAllMeetings": "View all scheduled meetings", "title": "Dashboard", "viewAllMeetingTypes": "View all meeting types" }, "email": { "error": { "format": "Must be a valid email address.", "generic": "Something went wrong. Please try again.", "maxLength": "Must not be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Must be at least 5 characters.", "required": "This is required." }, "label": "E-mail" }, "embed": { "all": "All (public page)", "step1": "1. Choose the Meeting Type that you want to embed", "step2": "2. Place the following code in your HTML where you want your ACE meetings widget to appear.", "title": "Embed on your website", "widgetBegin": "ACE Meetings widget begin", "widgetEnd": "ACE Meetings widget end" }, "error": { "404": { "backToHome": "Back to homepage", "subtitle": "We can’t seem to find the page you are looking for", "title": "Ooops!" }, "atLeastOneCalendarSourceRequired": "Please select at least one calendar source to check for availability!", "attendeeNotIdentified": "We couldn't find your email address as one of the attendees. Make sure you are using the same one you booked yourself with.", "bookingConflict": "The selected timeslot was booked in the meantime. Please refresh and select a different slot.", "bookingConflictAction": "Refresh availability", "calendar": "Ooops, we couldn't load the calendar", "calendarAction": "Try again", "connectionFailed": "{{provider}} connection failed. Please try again and if the problem persists, contact the administrator.", "fileUploadError": "There was an error while uploading the file. Try again.", "generic": { "contactUs": "Or contact us at", "subtitle": "Something went wrong.", "title": "Uh-oh! This is awkward.. :(", "tryAgain": "Click here to try again?" }, "http": { "200": "Yay, success", "403": "You are not allowed to perform this action", "500": "There was an error processing your request. Please contact support." }, "meetingAlreadyModified": "You are attempting to reschedule or cancel the meeting using an expired link. Please check your calendar and email for the correct link.", "meetingTypeDeleted": "You are attempting to access a deleted meeting type. Please get in touch with the host.", "noCalendar": "The owner(s) of this meeting type needs to finish their setup.", "noCalendarAction": "Try again", "noCalendarConnected": "You currently don't have a calendar connected with us. In order to use ACE Meetings, click here to complete setup.", "noCalendarConnectedTitle": "Oh No!", "noFirstAndLastName": "Your first and last name are not set up on your profile! For the best ACE Meetings experience click here to fill them in.", "noFirstAndLastNameTitle": "Oh No!", "noOrganization": "No organization selected!", "noTimezone": "Please select your preferred timezone", "noTimezoneAction": "Try again", "organizationUsersFailed": "Failed to remove user from Workspace. Please try again and if the problem persists, contact the administrator.", "reconnectCalendar": "One of your connected calendars needs your attention. Please click here.", "unauthorized": "You are not authorized for this action" }, "field": { "accountImage": "Account Picture", "answer": "An answer", "confirmation": "On Confirmation", "link": "Meeting link", "locationDetails": "Location details", "paymentAmount": "Amount to be collected", "paymentTerms": "Payment terms", "profileImage": "Profile Picture", "serviceAddonName": "AddOn Name", "serviceCode": "Service Code", "serviceDescription": "Service Description", "serviceDripTags": "Drip Tags", "serviceExternalId": "Service External ID", "serviceImage": "Service Image", "serviceIntakeUrl": "Typeform Intake Url", "serviceInternalDescription": "Service Internal Description", "serviceMoreInfoUrl": "Service More Info Link", "serviceName": "Service Name", "servicePrice": "Service Price", "servicePriceCurrency": "Currency", "servicePriceType": "Pricing Type", "serviceType": "Service Type", "serviceVisibility": "Service Visibility", "storeDescription": "Store Description", "storeImage": "Store Image", "storeName": "Store Name", "storeSlug": "Store Slug", "typeName": "Meeting Type Name" }, "forgotPassword": { "label": "Forgot password?" }, "formLayout": { "error": { "fields": { "afterBuffer": "Buffers - After event", "answer": "Answer", "beforeBuffer": "Buffers - Before event", "copyText": "Confirmation copy text", "description": "Description", "domain": "Custom domain", "increments": "Start increments", "link": "Meeting type link", "locale": "Meeting type language", "location": "Location", "maxAttendees": "Maximum number of attendees", "maxEventsPerDay": "Maximum daily allowed events", "meetingDuration": "Availability duration", "name": "Meeting type name", "optionalAnswers": "Answer options in Questions", "participants": "Participants / Location details", "paymentAmount": "Payment Amount", "paymentTerms": "Payment terms", "question": "Questions", "questions": "Questions", "redirectUrl": "Redirect URL", "scheduleDuration": "Date range", "scheduleGap": "Scheduling conditions", "timeTable": "Availability" } } }, "global": { "form": { "select": { "notFound": "No items found" } }, "item-count": "Showing {{first}} - {{second}} of total {{total}} items." }, "integrations": { "disconnect": "Disconnect", "edit": "Edit", "reconnect": "Reconnect", "remove": "Remove", "successfullyDisconnected": "The integration was successfully disconnected" }, "inviteUser": { "button": "Invite User", "editRole": "Edit Role", "failed": "Failed to invite user", "removedUser": "User {{email}} removed", "removeUser": "Remove user", "removeUserConfirmation": "You are about to remove {{user}} from your workspace.\nDo you want to continue?", "resendError": "Error while resending invite: {{message}}", "resendInvite": "Re-send invite", "resendSuccess": "Successfully resent invite to {{email}}", "seatsLoadError": "Error while loading seats data. Please try again later.", "showDeleted": "Show removed", "success": "Successfully invited user to workspace!", "updateRoleFailed": "Failed to update {{email}} role", "updateRoleSuccess": "Successfully updated {{email}} role" }, "label": { "active": "active", "attendeeFound": "Thank you! Your should receive an email with your personalised link to reschedule/cancel", "attendeeIdentification": "Please enter the email address you booked this meeting with to receive your personalized reschedule/cancellation links", "confirm": "OK", "copy": "Copy URL", "copyLink": "Copy link", "delete": "Delete", "deleted": "Deleted", "edit": "Edit", "hrefHere": "here", "integrationDisconnected": "Integration disconnected", "invalid_ssl": "invalid certificate", "locationDetailPlaceholder": "Set an address or place", "locationDetails": "Location details", "meetingInactive": "Inactive Meeting", "needsAttention": "Needs Attention", "no": "No", "noLogo": "No Image", "noSlotsIn": "No slots in", "not_reachable": "not reachable", "openBlankTarget": "Open in new window", "organizationDomain": "Subdomain", "pending": "pending", "preview": "Preview", "remove": "Remove", "requested": "requested", "rescheduleReason": "Reschedule reason", "select": "Select", "slotsLeft": "slots left", "success": "authenticated", "todo": "Your to-do list", "update": "Update", "updating": "Updating", "upload": "Upload", "viewNextMonth": "Next month", "viewPrevMonth": "Previous month", "yes": "Yes" }, "license": { "addSeat": "Add Seat", "addSeatConfirm": "Are you sure you want to add a new seat?", "appSumo": { "error": { "addSeat": "There was an error adding the new seat. Please try again or get in touch with support." }, "success": { "activation": "Your account has been successfully activated. Yay for tacos!", "addedSeat": "Successfully added additional seat.", "additionalLicense": "Successfully purchased additional license.", "assignedLicense": "Successfully assigned license.", "unassignedLicense": "Successfully unassigned license." } }, "appSumoLicenseInfo": { "currentlyOwned": "You currently own", "here": "here", "maxNbOfSeats": "You have reached the maximum number of seats on your AppSumo lifetime license.", "moreSeats": "If you'd like to add more seats, use the Add Seat button and afterwards invite more users to your workspace by clicking", "seats": "seats", "text": "As part of your AppSumo lifetime license, you are entitled to", "unlimitedNumber": "an unlimited number of", "upgradeInAppSumo": "If you need more, please upgrade in your AppSumo account or reach out to our Support team:" }, "assign": "Assign", "assignConfirm": "Are you sure you want to assign this license?", "assignedOn": "Assigned on", "buy": "Buy", "canceledError": "Ouch! Your license was canceled on ", "canceledLicenses": "Canceled licenses", "canceledOn": "Canceled on", "chooseUser": "Choose user", "comingSoon": "Coming Soon", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to buy this license?", "contactOwner": "Contact Owner", "currentLicense": "Your current license", "currentlyOwnedLicenses": "Licenses currently owned", "error": { "paymentInit": "Error while trying to initialize payment:" }, "freeLicense": "Free", "notAvailable": "Not Available", "ownerWarning": "Only the workspace owner can purchase or manage licenses. Please get in touch with them.", "partner": { "addMoreSeats": "Add More Seats", "addMoreSeatsDescription": "As part of your license, you are entitled to create extra seats for users in your organization. Create a seat using the button below and then assign it to an existing user. ", "addSeatButton": "Add Seat", "alreadyPurchased": "Unfortunately you're only able to purchase one partner license. Please buy another type of license.", "maxSeatsReached": "No more seats in license", "maxSeatsReachedDescription": "You have reached the maximum number of seats in your license. Purchase another license to add more seats.", "unlimitedSeats": "As part of your license, you are entitled to create unlimited extra seats for users in your organization. Create a seat using the button below and then assign it to an existing user. " }, "partnerMessage": "Get the special partner licenses offered below by {{partner}}!", "paymentIssue": { "automaticRetries": "Retries will be done automatically, but in the mean time please check your payment method.", "contactSupport": "If the issue persists, contact our support team: ", "errorText": "Oops! There's an issue with the payment for your license!" }, "purchaseNewLicense": "Please purchase a new license to continue using ACE Meetings.", "reactivateLicenseByOwner": "To continue using ACE Meetings, please get in touch with the workspace owner to reactivate it.", "seatsCurrentlyOwned": "Seats currently owned", "showAllSeats": "Show all seats", "tableTitle": "Customize Your Calendar & Meetings", "tabs": { "lifetime": "Lifetime", "migration": "Migration", "monthly": "Monthly", "onetime": "One-Time", "partner": "Partner", "yearly": "Yearly" }, "title": "License", "unassign": "Unassign", "unassignConfirm": "Are you sure you want to unassign this license?", "unassigned": "Unassigned", "upgrade": { "branding": "To remove ACE Meetings branding please upgrade your license.", "collectPayments": "To collect payments for meetings please upgrade your license.", "confirmationType": "To change confirmation behavior please upgrade your license.", "customDomains": "To setup custom domains please upgrade your license.", "generic": "To use this feature and other more you need to upgrade your license.", "inviteUsers": "To invite other users please upgrade your license.", "language": "To change languages please upgrade your license.", "marketing": "To use marketing tracking features please upgrade your license.", "notification": "To use SMS notifications please upgrade your license.", "pabbly": "To use the Pabbly Connect integration please upgrade your license.", "payments": "To connect payment integrations please upgrade your license.", "themes": "To change themes please upgrade your license.", "webhooks": "To use custom webhooks please upgrade your license.", "zapier": "To use the Zapier integration please upgrade your license." } }, "licenseTable": { "aceCoins": "$ACE Coins", "activeMeetingLinks": "Active Meeting Links", "calendarConnectionsPerUser": "Calendar connections per user", "calendarIntegrations": "Calendar Integrations", "calendarProviders": "Calendar Providers
(Google Calendar, Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, iCloud)", "collectivePanel": "Collective/Panel", "conferencingIntegrations": "Conferencing Integrations", "conferencingProviders": "Conferencing Providers
(Zoom, Google Meet)", "confirmationPageRedirect": "Confirmation Page Redirect", "customBookingForms": "Custom Booking Forms", "customConfirmationPage": "Custom Confirmation Page", "customDomain": "Custom Domain", "customWebhooks": "Custom Webhooks", "design": "Design", "earnACECoins": "Earn $ACE Coins", "emailNotifications": "Email Notifications", "emailSupport": "Email Support", "embed": "Embed on your website", "googleAnalytics": "Google Analytics", "groupSessions": "Group Sessions", "helpCenter": "Help Center", "integrations": "Integrations", "licenseOverview": "License Overview", "liveChat": "Live Chat", "marketing": "Marketing", "meetingDetails": "Meeting Details", "meetingHistory": "Meeting History", "meetingQuestionnaire": "Meeting Questionnaire", "meetingTypes": "Meeting Types", "metaPixel": "Meta (Facebook) Pixel", "multiLanguage": "Multi Language", "multipleUsers": "Multiple users", "multipleWS": "Multiple Workspaces", "nbOfSeats": "Nb. of seats", "notifications": "Notifications", "oneOnOneMeetings": "One-On-One Meetings", "oneTimeMeetings": "One-Time", "pabblyConnect": "Pabbly Connect", "paidMeetings": "Paid Meetings", "payPal": "PayPal", "planName": "Plan Name", "preferredTimes": "Preferred Times", "prioritySupport": "Priority Support", "removeBranding": "Remove ACE Meetings Branding", "roundRobin": "Round Robin", "roundRobinGroupSessions": "Round Robin Group Session", "rulesBuffersLimits": "Meeting Rules, Buffers & Limits", "smsNotifications": "SMS Notifications", "stripe": "Stripe", "support": "Support", "teams": "Teams", "themes": "10+ Themes For Your Booking Pages", "tooltip": { "nbOfSeats": "A seat is a license that can be assigned to a user in your organization." }, "users": "Users", "videoConference": "Video Conference", "yourACEPageSubdomain": "your.ACE.page Subdomain", "zapier": "Zapier" }, "login": { "button": { "checking": "Checking...", "continue": "Continue", "login": "Login" }, "failure": { "checkCredentials": "Please check your credentials and try again.", "status": "Failed to sign in!" }, "getStarted": "We'll check if you have an account, and help create one if you don't", "icloud": { "appSpecificPasswordNeeded1": "Two-factor authentication and an app-specific password are required to connect your account.", "appSpecificPasswordNeeded2": "Please visit the following link for instructions on how to setup an app-specific password:", "button": { "proceed": "I've got the app-specific password", "takeMeBack": "Take me back" }, "explanation": "ACE Meetings needs to authenticate with iCloud to connect to your calendar.", "password": "iCloud (app-specific) Password", "username": "iCloud Email Address" } }, "marketingSettings": { "gaTrackingId": { "error": { "pattern": "Please fill in a valid Google Analytics tracking ID" }, "label": "Google Analytics tracking ID", "placeholder": "G-1234567890" }, "metaPixelId": { "error": { "pattern": "Please fill in a valid Meta/Facebook Pixel ID" }, "label": "Meta/Facebook Pixel ID", "placeholder": "Your ID" }, "title": "Marketing Settings", "update": { "success": "Your Marketing settings have been successfully updated." } }, "meet": { "amountPaid": "Amount Paid", "buttons": { "back": "Back", "backAllMeetings": "All public meeting types", "cancel": "Cancel Event", "confirm": "Confirm", "rescheduleMeeting": "Reschedule meeting", "scheduleMeeting": "Schedule meeting" }, "cancel": "Cancel", "date": "Date", "duration": "Duration", "fillInTheQuestions": "Fill in the questions", "formerTime": "Former time", "headerMessage": "Book a call with {{team}}", "location": "Location", "locationPhoneCallMe": "Please call me at the time of the meeting on:", "locationPhoneCallMyGuest": "At the time of the meeting, I'll call you", "noMeetings": "There are no public meeting types available.", "payBeforeSchedule": "You will need to perform the payment before being able to schedule the appointment", "payment": "Payment", "paymentCollectionSetupError": "There was an issue while setting up payment collection. Please get in touch with the meeting organizer or our team at support@useace.com", "paymentDetails": "Payment Details", "paymentError": "There was an issue with your payment! Please get in touch with our team at", "paymentErrorDetailed": "There was an issue with your payment", "paymentFailedGeneric": "There was an issue with your payment! Please try again and if the problem persists get in touch with the meeting organizer.", "paymentInformation": "Payment information", "paymentSuccess": "The payment was successful!", "paymentSuccessAndBookingMeeting": "The payment was successful! Booking your meeting now...", "paymentTerms": "Payment terms", "paymentTransactionId": "Transaction ID:", "poweredBy": "Powered by", "poweredByStripe": "Powered by Stripe", "price": "Price", "processedByStripe": "Your payments are securely processed by Stripe.", "reasonForCancellation": "Reason for canceling", "reasonForRescheduling": "Reason for rescheduling", "refundNotice": { "organizer": "ACE Meetings does not process refunds automatically. Please perform a manual refund if required.", "participant": "Refunds are not processed by ACE Meetings. Please contact the meeting organizer if you require a refund." }, "submit": "Schedule meeting", "tabs": { "step1": { "cancellation": "Cancel this event", "new": "Choose the time", "reschedule": "Choose the time" }, "step2": { "cancellation": "", "new": "Add your details", "reschedule": "Add your details" } }, "terms": "Terms", "time": "Time", "timezone": "Timezone", "unableToGoBackDueToPayment": "This button is disabled as the payment has already been processed. Please schedule the meeting and get in touch with the host to reschedule it at another time.", "yourDetails": "Your details" }, "meeting": { "confirmation": { "cancellation": "Cancelation", "confirmed": "Confirmed", "copyText": "You have our confirmation for the requested event.", "meetingCancelled": "Your meeting has been canceled", "meetingRescheduled": "Your meeting has been rescheduled!", "new": "New Meeting", "reschedule": "Reschedule", "scheduledWith": "You are scheduled with" }, "location": { "AT_LOCATION": "Fixed Location", "FIXED": "Fixed Location or URL", "GOOGLE_MEET": "Google Meet", "HANGOUTS_MEET": "Google Meet", "IN_PERSON": "In-person meeting", "message": "Upon booking completed", "missingGoogleIntegration": "Set your write-to calendar to google", "missingIntegration": "Visit settings to integrate it", "missingLocation": "A conferencing link will be provided by the host before the meeting", "more": "More Coming Soon", "null": "N/A", "PHONE_CALL": "Phone Call", "TEAMS": "Microsoft Teams", "undefined": "N/A", "ZOOM": "Zoom" }, "toBeDecided": "Upon booking completed", "widget": { "askedForReschedule": "Asked for reschedule", "askGuestToReschedule": "Ask guest to reschedule", "attendee": "ATTENDEE", "attendees": "ATTENDEES", "cancel": "Cancel", "cancelMeeting": "Cancel meeting", "conference": "Attendees can join this meeting from a computer, tablet or smartphone.", "createdOn": "Created on", "details": "Details", "email": "Email", "location": "LOCATION", "meetingType": "Meeting Type", "openInTab": "Open in new tab", "questions": "Attendee's answers", "reschedule": "Reschedule", "resendInvitation": "Re-send Invite", "timezone": "Attendee's timezone" } }, "meetingTypeForm": { "availability": "Availability", "buffers": { "afterEvent": { "invalidIncrementError": "Please select a valid After event buffer value.", "label": "After event" }, "beforeEvent": { "invalidIncrementError": "Please select a valid Before event buffer value.", "label": "Before event" }, "label": "Buffers" }, "cannotBeSaved": "{{name}} cannot be saved. Please review validation errors.", "confirmation": { "addCopyText": "Add copy on the confirmation page", "displayConfirmationPage": "Display confirmation page", "redirect": "Redirect to an external site", "redirectTo": "Redirect to" }, "dateRange": { "explanation": "Guests can schedule...", "indefinitely": "Indefinitely into the future", "intoTheFuture": "into the future", "label": "Date range" }, "failedToLoad": "Failed to load meeting type", "info": { "color": { "label": "Meeting Color" }, "description": { "label": "Description" }, "internalDescription": { "label": "Internal Meeting Type Description", "placeholder": "What is this meeting type about?" }, "link": { "label": "Meeting Link" }, "locale": { "label": "Language" }, "name": { "placeholder": "Give it a name" }, "visibility": { "label": "Meeting Visibility", "meeting": "Meeting", "private": "Private", "public": "Public" } }, "maxAttendees": { "label": "Maximum number of attendees" }, "participants": { "deselectAll": "Deselect all", "location": { "label": "Location / Conferencing Details", "placeholder": "Where should you meet?" }, "participants": "Participants", "save": "Save", "selectAll": "Select all", "teamMember": "Team Member", "timeSlotParticipants": "Time Slot Participants" }, "payments": { "collection": { "collect": "Collect payments for this meeting type", "none": "Do not collect payments for this meeting type", "paypal": "Accept payments using PayPal", "stripe": "Accept payments using Stripe" }, "errors": { "paypal": { "consentNotGranted": "Connection of PayPal account failed! Please retry and consent the sharing of credentials.", "emailNotConfirmed": "Connection of PayPal account failed! Please confirm email address with PayPal and retry connecting.", "permissionsNotGranted": "Connection of PayPal account failed! Please retry and grant all requested permissions." }, "paypalNotConnected": { "linkToConnect": "You can setup your PayPal account ", "message": "You need to connect a PayPal account in order to start receiving payments" }, "stripeNotConnected": { "linkToConnect": "You can setup your Stripe account ", "message": "You need to connect a Stripe account in order to start receiving payments" }, "stripeOnboardingNotFinalized": "Please finalize your Stripe onboarding in order to start collecting payments for your meetings" } }, "preferredTimes": { "upgrade": "To set preferred times you need to upgrade your license." }, "questions": { "addOptionalAnswer": "Add optional answer", "addQuestion": "Add new question", "mandatory": "Mandatory", "optionalAnswer": "Optional answer", "yourQuestion": "Your question" }, "schedulingConditions": { "explanation": "Guests can't schedule within...", "label": "Scheduling conditions", "maxDailyEvents": "Maximum daily allowed events for this type of event" }, "startIncrements": { "explanation": "Show available start times in increments of...", "invalidIncrementError": "Please select a valid start time increments value.", "label": "Start increments" }, "title": { "edit": "Edit", "meetingType": " Meeting Type", "new": "New" }, "unavailable": "Unavailable" }, "meetingTypes": { "active": "Active", "addButtonText": "Add a meeting type", "as": "as", "cancel": "Cancel", "collectivePanel": { "description": "Host an event with another person and let guests pick a time when you're all available.", "title": "Collective/Panel" }, "comingSoon": "Coming Soon", "copySuffix": "copy", "create": { "COLLECTIVE_PANEL": "Create collective meeting type", "GROUP_SESSION": "Create group session meeting type", "ONE_ON_ONE": "Create one-on-one meeting type", "ONE_TIME": "Create one-time meeting type", "ROUND_ROBIN": "Create round-robin meeting type", "ROUND_ROBIN_GROUP_SESSION": "Create round-robin group session meeting type" }, "createMeetingType": "Create Meeting Type", "delete": "Delete", "draft": "Draft", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "edit": "Edit", "emptyPlaceholder": { "groupMeetingTypes": "Your team doesn't have any meeting types set up at this time", "singleMeetingTypes": "You have no meeting types set up at this time" }, "groupSession": { "description": "Let multiple guests meet with you at one time.", "title": "Group Session" }, "locationModal": { "fixed": { "displayAfterBooking": "Display location only after booking", "displayWhileBooking": "Display location while booking", "placeholder": "Enter fixed location", "title": "Fixed location" }, "in_person": { "placeholder": "Enter physical location", "title": "Physical location " }, "phoneCall": { "callMyGuest": "I will call my guest", "descriptionCallMyGuest": "ACE Meetings will require your guests phone number before scheduling.", "descriptionGuestCallMe": "ACE Meetings will provide your number after the call has been scheduled.", "guestCallMe": "My guest should call me" }, "title": "Edit Location" }, "modalTitle": "Select the meeting type to add", "myMeetingTypes": "My meeting types", "myTeamMeetingTypes": "My team meeting types", "needsAttention": { "GOOGLE_CONFERENCE": "There is a problem with your Google Meet conference integration. Please review.", "NO_AVAILABILITY_SLOTS": "This meeting type doesn't have any assigned slots. Please review.", "TEAMS_CONFERENCE": "There is a problem with your Teams conference integration. Please review.", "ZOOM_CONFERENCE": "There is a problem with your Zoom conference integration. Please review." }, "oneOnOne": { "description": "Let a guest pick a time to meet with you.", "title": "One-on-One" }, "oneTime": { "description": "Send an invite to a specific person.", "title": "One-time" }, "pageTitle": "Meeting Types", "roundRobin": { "description": "Create an event that cycles between multiple hosts.", "title": "Round Robin" }, "roundRobinGroupSession": { "description": "Create a group event that cycles between multiple hosts.", "title": "Round Robin Group Session" }, "save": "Save meeting type", "successfulDelete": "The meeting type was successfully deleted", "successfulDuplicate": "Successfully created a copy of the meeting type. Please edit and save in order to persist.", "upgradeDescription": "Unlock features designed to enhance your productivity.", "upgradeTeamDescription": "Unlock features designed to enhance your productivity.", "upgradeTeamTitle": "Upgrade to work with your team", "upgradeTitle": "Upgrade to create more meeting types", "viewBookingPage": "View booking page" }, "modal": { "google": { "calendar.events": "View and edit events on all your calendars", "calendar.readonly": "See and download any calendar you can access using your Google Calendar", "scopes": "We were unable to to connect your Google calendar due to a lack of permissions.

We need all of these permissions for our service to work.

Please try again and make sure you grant the following permissions:

", "title": "Oops! Something went wrong while trying to connect your account..." }, "type": { "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Close", "done": "Done", "keepEditing": "Keep editing", "message": "Are you sure you want to close the meeting type editor? Your changes will not be saved.", "title": "Close meeting type editor", "tryAgain": "Try again", "wasSaved": "was saved" } }, "module": { "role": { "ADMIN": "Manager", "MEMBER": "Contributor" } }, "navbar": { "administration": { "activity": "Activity", "api": "API", "audits": "Audits", "checkout": "Checkout", "configuration": "Configuration", "database": "Database", "gateway": "Gateway", "health": "Health", "logs": "Logs", "metrics": "Metrics", "title": "Administration", "userManagement": "User management" }, "coins": "$ACE Coins", "createWorkspace": "Create new workspace", "help": "Help", "license": "License", "logout": "Sign out", "myOrganizations": "My Organizations", "notifications": "Notifications", "noWorkspacesForLicense": "Your current license doesn't allow multiple workspaces.", "settings": "Settings", "upgradeButton": "Upgrade to create workspace", "workspace": "Workspace", "workspaces": "Workspaces" }, "notification": { "accountActivated": "Your account has been successfully activated", "CANCELLATION": { "content": "

Hi there,

I’m reaching out to confirm that your event from {{event.time}} on {{event.date}} has been canceled.


", "description": "Email notifications will be sent to your invitee if you cancel the event.", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "[Canceled] your event with {{owner.firstname}} on {{event.date}} has been canceled", "title": "Cancelation Email" }, "CONFIRMATION": { "content": "

Hi there,

I’m reaching out to confirm that your event has been booked for {{event.time}} on {{event.date}}.
This event will focus on: {{event.description}}

These are the answers you left (but feel free to reach out if you want to add anything else):


", "description": "Your guest will receive an email confirmation with links to create their own calendar event.", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "[Confirmed] {{event.name}} on {{event.date}} with {{owner.firstname}}", "title": "Confirmation (Guest) Email" }, "EMAIL_REMINDER": { "content": "

Hi there,

I’m reaching out to remind you that your event has been booked for {{event.time}} on {{event.date}}. We will meet here, at the scheduled time:
👉 {{event.location}}

Let me know if you’re still available for the call or if you have any questions!


", "description": "A guest will receive a reminder email before a scheduled event at specified times.", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "[Reminder] don’t forget about {{event.name}} on {{event.date}}", "title": "Email Reminders" }, "firstSave": "Please only change notification settings after saving the meeting type", "FOLLOWUP": { "content": "

Hi there,

I’m just following up to say that it was lovely meeting you, {{event.name}}. It was really nice hearing from you.

Improving my service is a priority, so I’d love to hear any feedback from you (if you have any). Just reply to this email with any (or all) of your concerns.


", "description": "Request a review or prompt next steps with an automated email sent after the event is over.", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "[Follow-up] thanks for meeting with me!", "title": "Email Follow-Up" }, "HOST_CONFIRMATION": { "content": "

Hi there,

Just reaching out to let you know that a new meeting has been booked with you by {{invitee.name}} on {{event.date}} - {{event.time}}.
You can see the complete details here: {{event.viewMeeting.link}}.

The ACE Team.

", "description": "You will receive an email when a new meeting has been booked with you.", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "[Confirmed] {{invitee.name}} has booked a meeting with you at {{event.date}}", "title": "Confirmation (Host) Email" }, "label": { "AFTER": "Send after", "BEFORE": "Send before", "body": "Body", "personalize": "Personalize email", "subject": "Subject", "text": "Text Message" }, "modal": { "addVariable": "Add variable", "bold": "Bold", "hyperlink": "Hyperlink", "italic": "Italic", "redo": "Redo", "underline": "Underline", "undo": "Undo" }, "requireTime": "Please choose at least a time to send notifications", "successfulUpdate": "Your notification configuration was successfully updated", "TEXT_REMINDER": { "content": "

Hi there,

I’m reaching out to confirm that your event has been booked for {{event.time}} on {{event.date}}.

This event will focus on: {{event.description}}.

These are the answers you left (but feel free to reach out if you want to add anything else):


", "description": "Remind your customers about your upcoming meeting with a text message to their phone.", "personalize": "Personalize text", "subject": "[Confirmed] {{event.name}} on {{event.date}} with {{owner.firstname}}", "title": "Text (SMS) Reminders" }, "timeSelect": { "placeholder": "Select Time", "selectAll": "Select All", "unselectAll": "Deselect All" } }, "organization": { "name": { "error": { "invalid": "The account name is invalid.", "maxLength": "The account name cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "The account name needs to be at least 2 characters long.", "required": "The account name is required." }, "label": "Organization name", "placeholder": "Your organization name" }, "status": { "ACTIVE": "ACTIVE", "DELETED": "REMOVED", "INVITED": "INVITED", "OWNER": "OWNER" }, "title": "Organization" }, "organizationInvite": { "cancel": "Cancel", "checkCredentials": "Please check your credentials and try again.", "inviteUser": "Invite User", "role": { "error": { "required": "Role is required." }, "label": "Role" }, "signInFailed": "Failed to sign in!" }, "organizationSettings": { "account": "Account", "selectedOrganization": "Account settings for", "users": "Users" }, "pabbly": { "betaInfo": "Our Pabbly Integration is currently in an invite-only beta.", "here": "here", "pabblyInfo": "Integrating with Pabbly offers you the ability to connect ACE to thousands of other apps.", "signUp": "If you'd like to use ACE Meetings with Pabbly Connect, click", "title": "Pabbly Integration", "whatCanYouDo": "Meetings getting booked, updated or canceled with ACE Meetings can trigger complex workflows that you can customize with almost no code." }, "password": { "changeButton": "Change Password", "error": { "maxLength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.", "required": "Your password is required." }, "label": "Password", "strength": "Password strength" }, "passwordReset": { "alertSuccess": "Password changed!", "alertSuccessReset": "Your password has been reset.", "changeYour": "Change your password", "chooseNewPassword": "Choose a new password", "confirmation": "New password confirmation", "current": "Current password", "dangerPasswordRequestValid24h": "Your password couldn't be reset. Remember a password request is only valid for 24 hours.", "dangerPasswordResetKeyMissing": "The password reset key is missing.", "error": "Enter the email address you used to register.", "errorCurrentPasswordIncorrect": "The current password is incorrect.", "errorOccurred": "An error has occurred!", "errorPasswordsDoNotMatch": "The password and its confirmation do not match!", "new": "New password", "reset": "Reset", "resetPassword": "Reset Password", "success": "Check your emails for details on how to reset your password.", "title": "Reset your password" }, "payments": { "connectNew": { "description": "Connect a payments account so ACE Meetings can support you collect payments before booking meetings", "heading": "Connect a new payments account" }, "disconnect": { "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to disconnect this integration?", "disconnect": "Disconnect", "warning": { "paypal": "Disconnecting your PayPal account will prevent collecting payments for your meetings into PayPal.", "stripe": "All meeting types collecting payments via this integration will become unpaid!" } }, "emptyPlaceholder": { "text": "You have no payments account connected.", "title": "Charge for your meetings?" }, "myPaymentsAccounts": "My Payments Accounts", "showDetails": "Show payment details", "title": "Collect Payments" }, "placeholder": { "description": "Enter text here...", "storeDescription": "Add a description which will show up on your public store", "webhookSecret": "A secret phrase for creating a digest of the payload" }, "profileSettings": { "emailReLogin": "Email / Username (will require re-login)", "language": "Language", "languageTooltip": "The language in which the app is displayed", "save": "Save", "success": "Settings saved!", "timezone": "Timezone", "timezoneTooltip": "The timezone in which dates will be displayed in the app. Not to be confused with the timezone that can be selected in the booking pages.", "title": "Profile settings" }, "question": { "error": { "answerMaxLength": "The answer option cannot be longer than 4096 characters.", "maxLength": "The question cannot be longer than 255 characters.", "noOptionalAnswers": "At least one answer option is required for this question", "required": "The question is required." } }, "questionType": { "checkboxes": "Checkboxes", "email": "Email", "multipleLines": "Multiple lines", "name": "Name", "phoneNumber": "Phone number", "radioButtons": "Radio buttons", "singleLine": "Single-line" }, "registration": { "appsumo": { "error": "Error while creating account. Please get in touch with support.", "success": "Successfully activated account." }, "button": { "next": "Next", "register": "Sign up", "submit": "Submit" }, "checkEmail": "Please check your email for confirmation.", "chooseAnotherOne": "Please choose another one.", "company": { "error": { "maxLength": "Company name cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Company name is required to be at least 2 characters.", "required": "Company name is required." }, "label": "Company Name", "placeholder": "Company Name" }, "email": { "error": { "format": "Your email is invalid.", "maxLength": "Your email cannot be longer than 100 characters.", "minLength": "Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.", "required": "Your email is required." }, "label": "Email", "placeholder": "Your email" }, "error": { "emailAlreadyInUse": "Email is already in use!", "loginNameAlreadyRegistered": "Login name already registered!", "subdomainAlreadyRegistered": "Subdomain is already registered!" }, "firstName": { "error": { "maxLength": "Your first name cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Your first name is required to be at least 1 character.", "required": "Your first name is required." }, "label": "First name", "placeholder": "First name" }, "lastName": { "error": { "maxLength": "Your last name cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Your last name is required to be at least 1 character.", "required": "Your last name is required." }, "label": "Last name", "placeholder": "Last name", "yourLastName": "Your last name" }, "status": { "failed": "Registration failed!", "success": "Registration saved!" }, "subdomain": { "domainSuffix": ".ACE.page", "error": { "format": "Company subdomain can only contain lower/upper case, digits and - (dash) characters.", "maxLength": "Company subdomain cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "minLength": "Company subdomain is required to be at least 2 characters.", "required": "Company subdomain is required." }, "label": "Company Subdomain", "placeholder": "Company Subdomain", "tooltip": "Will be the first part of your public link used for booking" }, "title": "Sign Up", "tryAgain": "Please try again later.", "yourNameLabel": "Your Name" }, "rememberMe": { "label": "Remember me" }, "section": { "availability": "Availability", "confirmation": "Confirmation", "info": "Info", "intake": "Fulfillment", "notifications": "Notifications", "payments": "Payments", "pricing": "Pricing", "properties": "Additional Properties", "questions": "Questions", "storeBuilder": "Store Builder" }, "sidenav": { "dashboard": "Dashboard", "meetingTypes": "Meeting Types", "schedule": "Scheduled Meetings" }, "sidenavProfile": { "accountDetails": "Organization Details", "aceCoins": "$ACE Coins", "back": "Back to ACE Meetings", "billing": "Billing", "customDomains": "Custom Domains", "editProfile": "Edit profile", "license": "License", "myProfile": "My Profile", "settings": "Settings", "usersAndRoles": "Users & Roles", "workspaceDetails": "Workspace Details" }, "sidenavSettings": { "appearance": "Appearance", "calendars": "Calendars", "conferencing": "Conferencing", "embed": "Embed on your website", "marketing": "Marketing", "pabbly": "Pabbly", "payments": "Payments", "preferences": "Preferences", "webhooks": "Webhooks", "zapier": "Zapier" }, "step": { "action": { "calendarConnect": "Connect first calendar", "calendarConnectMore": "Connect more calendars", "meeting": "Share your meeting", "meetingShareMore": "Share more meetings", "meetingType": "Create first meeting type", "meetingTypeCreateMore": "Create more meeting types" }, "calendarConnect": "Get your calendars in sync in ACE to avoid getting double-booked", "continue": "Continue", "meeting": "Provide a seamless experience by sharing your meeting link.", "meetingType": "Create meeting types customized to suit your needs", "title": { "calendarConnect": "{{stepNo}}. Connect calendar", "meeting": "{{stepNo}}. Share your meeting", "meetingType": "{{stepNo}}. Create meeting type" } }, "time": { "h": "{{value}}h", "hour": "{{value}} hour", "hourAbbr": "hrs", "hours": "{{value}} hours", "m": "{{value}}m", "minute": "{{value}} minute", "minuteAbbr": "min", "minutes": "{{value}} minutes", "minutesAbbr": "mins" }, "tooltip": { "appearance": { "logoRecommendations": "This will display on the booking page. For the best experience, we recommend an image that is 440px x 220px.", "showAceBackground": "Control whether the scheduling page has the default ACE background.", "showAceBranding": "Control whether ACE Meetings branding is displayed on your scheduling page.", "showAceLogo": "Control whether ACE Meetings logo or your logo is displayed on your scheduling page.", "showLinkToAllMTs": "Control whether the scheduling page has a link to the page containing all public meeting types", "showWsHeaderPublicMeetPage": "Control whether the page showing all public meeting types displays the workspace header (logo and name)." }, "comingSoon": "Coming soon", "conferencing": { "alreadyConnected": "This integration is already connected via either the calendars or conferencing configurations." }, "meet": { "preferredTimeSlot": "The host prefers this time slot." }, "meetingType": { "buffers": "Provide the time you need for preparation and closure for each call", "color": "Assign a color to represent your meeting type.", "confirmation": "Post confirmation action", "connectCalendar": "Can be activated once a calendar is connected", "dateRange": "Date range for attendee to choose from", "description": "Add your message to greet attendees", "duration": "Meeting duration options", "inactiveWarning": "This will be the meeting type URL once this meeting is set to active", "increments": "At which increments should the availabilities be listed in the public calendar?", "internalDescription": "For internal use - not visible on public calendar", "link": "Where should one access your public calendar?", "locale": "The language in which your customers will see the booking page for this particular meeting type", "location": "Where does the meeting take place?", "maxAttendees": "What's the maximum number of attendees you'll accept? (excluding yourself)", "name": "Meeting Type name as seen on public calendar view", "participants": "Select - possible hosts for this meeting. If 1:1, you'll be the host by default", "paymentTerms": { "part1": "Use this optional field to provide guests important information such as your rescheduling and cancellation policies.", "part2": "Payment terms will appear below the price on your scheduling page and in confirmation emails." }, "pixel": "", "scheduling": "What's the closest time one can book a meeting, and how many meetings would you allow in one day?", "validationWarning": "In order to proceed, please review errors in the following fields:", "validationWarningClickInstruction": "Click on the warning icon to scroll to first error.", "visibility": "Can everyone access the URL?" }, "notification": { "label": { "body": "This is your email's body.", "subject": "This is your email's subject line.", "text": "Text message content" } }, "readonly": "You cannot edit this page. Please contact your account administrator for any changes", "webhooks": { "secret": { "part1": "Each webhook can optionally define a secret cryptographic key in the HMAC SHA256 Secret field. We will use that key to generate a hashed digest of each webhook payload. The resulting digest will be encoded to base64 and included in the X-ACE-Signature header of the webhook. Your server can then use the same process, creating a hashed digest of the payload using the same secret key on your side, and then encoding the resulting hash to base64 before comparing it to the value in that header.", "part2": "A post with a valid, matching digest in the header can only have originated from a source that uses the correct secret key. If the key has been provided only to ACE via the app (i.e., not used anywhere else), this confirms that the webhook data is authentic.", "part3": "You can find more information about hash-based message authentication at" } } }, "Unlimited": "Unlimited", "userIntegration": { "google": "Google", "icloud": "iCloud", "office365": "Office 365", "paypal": "PayPal", "stripe": "Stripe", "teams": "Microsoft Teams", "zoom": "Zoom" }, "userOrganization": { "empty": "User to remove not found. Please contact the administrator", "notActive": "The user's organization is not active, cannot be updated", "notFound": "Couldn't find user organization", "placeholder": { "message": "Make the most out of features designed for teams", "title": "Invite other users to your workspace." }, "removeFailed": "Failed to remove user. Please contact the administrator" }, "userWidget": { "organizer": "you", "with": "with" }, "validation": { "allowedChars": "Try using just the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9", "durationsInputEmpty": "Please enter a duration, this field cannot be empty.", "durationsSelectedMinimum": "Please select at least {{minDurations}} meeting duration options", "email": "This is not a valid email address", "fileRequired": "A file is required.", "fileSizeExceeded": "The size of the file has exceeded our limit.", "fileTypeInvalid": "Invalid file type. Make sure it's the right extension.", "locationDetailsRequired": "A location or URL is required", "maxAttendees": "You must allow for at least 2 attendees for this meeting type", "maxEventsPerDay": "You must allow for at least one event per day", "maxLength": "Please enter at most {{requiredLength}} characters!", "minValue": "This value should be larger than {{min}}", "noParticipantSelected": "Please select at least one participant", "notDuplicateDuration": "Please choose another value for the duration of meeting, you cannot choose the same value for several duration.", "oneParticipantNeeded": "Please select at least one participant or remove timeslot", "phone": "This is not a valid phone number", "required": "This field is required", "timeslotOverlap": "Please make sure your timeslots do not overlap", "timetableEntry": "Start time should be lower than end time", "uniqueMeetingTypeLink": "This meeting type link already exists in the organization", "uniqueMeetingTypeName": "This meeting type name already exists in the organization", "urlPattern": "A valid URL is needed" }, "webhooks": { "actions": "Actions", "active": "Active", "addWebhook": "Add a webhook", "create": "Create Webhook", "createdDate": "Created Date", "delete": "Delete", "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook?", "description": { "acknowledgeBy2xx": "In order to acknowledge the event, your app must return a 2xx HTTP status code.", "failureStatusCode": "Any other status code will be considered a failure.", "postRequest": "Each webhook is a POST request to a URL of your choice, with JSON data describing the event.", "subsequentFailures": "Two subsequent failures will cause the webhook to be disabled.", "whatItIs": "Webhooks are push API calls that let your app know an event has happened." }, "error": { "create": "Unable to create webhook. Please try again and if the problem persists contact support.", "delete": "Unable to delete webhook. Please try again and if the problem persists contact support.", "load": "Error loading current webhooks. Please try again later or contact support.", "updateActiveStatus": "Unable to update active status for this webhook. Please try again later or contact support." }, "httpsNotice": "HTTPS endpoints are highly recommended, to avoid traffic being intercepted / sent in the clear.", "inactive": "Inactive", "lastStatus": "Status", "lastTriggerDate": "Last Triggered", "lastUpdateDate": "Last Updated", "noWebhooks": "You don't currently have any webhooks.", "secret": "HMAC SHA256 secret (optional) ", "success": { "updateActiveStatus": "Active status was successfully updated for this webhook." }, "title": "Create Custom Webhooks", "trigger": "Trigger", "triggers": { "create": "Meeting Created", "delete": "Meeting Canceled", "status": { "failed": "Failed", "retry1": "1st Retry", "retry2": "2nd Retry", "retry3": "3rd Retry", "success": "Success" }, "update": "Meeting Rescheduled" }, "url": "URL", "urlNotice": "Make sure that you entered the correct URL to receive webhooks. You must keep the URL up-to-date and are responsible for the safety and security of the data that you transmit through webhooks.", "yourWebhooks": "Your current webhooks" }, "workspace": { "cancel": "Cancel", "create": "Create Workspace", "name": { "label": "Name", "placeholder": "Workspace Name" }, "subdomain": { "label": "Subdomain", "placeholder": "Workspace Subdomain" }, "title": "Workspace" }, "workspaceSettings": { "delete": "Delete Workspace (coming soon)", "labelTimeFormat": "Time format", "modal": { "createNotAllowed": "You are not allowed to create a workspace on '{{organization}}' Organization. Please contact the administrator.", "title": "Oops" }, "publicPagesLang": "Language for public pages", "publicPagesLangTooltip": "The language in which your customers will see the booking page", "timeFormat12h": "12h (am/pm)", "timeFormat24h": "24h", "timeFormatTooltip": "The time format in which you and your customers will see the time." }, "zapier": { "betaInfo": "Our Zapier Integration is currently in an invite-only beta.", "here": "here", "signUp": "If you'd like to sign up for the beta, click", "title": "Zapier Integration (Beta)", "whatCanYouDo": "Meetings getting booked, updated or canceled with ACE Meetings can trigger complex workflows that you can customize with almost no code.", "zapierInfo": "Integrating with Zapier offers you the ability to connect ACE to thousands of other apps." } }